The Iatrogenic Vascular Injuries: A Review


  • Hashem Bark Awadh Abood Consultant general surgery, king Fahad Hospital, Albaha, KSA.
  • Loai Tawfeek Aleithan GP, Dhahran aljanoub general hospital, Dhahran, KSA.
  • Lamees Abdullah Binmohammed King Khaled University, KSA.
  • Abdulrahman Saeed H Alghamdi MBBS, MD, General Physician -Service Resident, Dammam Medical Complex, KSA.
  • Shareefah Mesabl Alenazi General physician, King fahad specialty hospital, Tabuk , KSA.
  • Ahoud Mrji Mhasef Alruwaili General physician, king Abdulaziz hospital, al jouf, Sakaka, KSA.
  • Aseel Eihab A Dulaimi Eihab A Dulaimi MD, MBBS, Ibn Sina National College For Medical Studies, Jeddah, KSA
  • Nouf Mohammed A Aldhamdi General physician, Pediatric Surgery Service Resident, King Saud Medical City, Riyadh, KSA.
  • Bandar Abdulrahman Alomar Intern, A‏alma’arefa university, ‎‏Riyadh, ‎‏KSA.
  • Ahlam Mohammed S. Alfaraj Arabian Gulf University, Bahrain, Manama.
  • Amal Yasir Alyousif General physician, Qatif General Hospital, Qatif, KSA.
  • Khalid Fahad R Altowairqi General Physician, King abdulaziz specialist Hospital, Taif, KSA.



Iatrogenic, Vascular injury, Vascular surgery, Endovascular treatment


Vascular injuries provide a significant challenge to emergency room staff because they call for quick action to avert loss of life or limb. Sometimes only modest or latent indications or symptoms of significant vascular damage are present. The patient may show signs of vascular insufficiency, embolization, pseudoaneurysm, arteriovenous fistula, etc., weeks or months after the initial damage. Although gunshot wounds, stabbings, and blast injuries account for the majority of vascular injuries, patients who have displaced long bone fractures, crush injuries, prolonged immobilization in a fixed position due to tight casts or bandages, and various invasive procedures should be evaluated for the possibility of vascular injury. Further investigations are required to help identify risk variables that might put a patient at more risk of suffering harm than benefiting from an intervention.




How to Cite

Bark Awadh Abood H, Tawfeek Aleithan L, Abdullah Binmohammed L, Saeed H Alghamdi A, Mesabl Alenazi S, Mrji Mhasef Alruwaili A, Eihab A Dulaimi AEAD, Mohammed A Aldhamdi N, Abdulrahman Alomar B, Mohammed S. Alfaraj A, Yasir Alyousif A, Fahad R Altowairqi K. The Iatrogenic Vascular Injuries: A Review. SMHJ [Internet]. 2022 Oct. 25 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];2(2):76-80. Available from:



Review Article