The Surgical Management of Benign Neoplasms of the Small Intestine


  • Hashem Bark Awadh Abood Consultant General Surgery, King Fahad Hospital, Albaha, KSA.
  • Bader Saad S Alshahrani Medical Intern, KSA.
  • Amal Yasir Alyousif Qatif Central Hospital, KSA.
  • Abdulaziz Ibrahim Alkhudairy King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences, KSA.
  • Aisha Mubarak B Alghamdi Resident in Prince Mishari hospital, Albaha, KSA.
  • Sultan Oraiban A. Gohal Graduated, Batterjee Medical College, KSA.
  • Maram Abdualrhman AlMedaires King Fahad Specialist Hospital, Dammam, KSA.
  • Hind Tariq Alshahrani King Fahad Specialist Hospital, Dammam, KSA.
  • Sara Fayez Al-dawood King Fahad Specialist Hospital, Dammam, KSA.
  • Al habis Mohammed Hamad King Khalid Hospital, Najran, KSA.
  • Rasis Khalid Saber Batterjee Medical College, KSA.
  • Shikhah Mohammed M. Alzayed Prince Mutaib bin Abdulaziz Hospital, Aljouf, KSA.



Benign Neoplasms, Surgical Management, Enteroscopy, Adenoma, Hemangiomas


Small intestinal benign tumours are uncommon clinical conditions that frequently go asymptomatic for the entirety of a patient's life. The small bowel contains only a tiny number of primary neoplasms, while making up most of the surface area and most of the length of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. There are the following subtypes: Hyperplastic polyps, hamartomas, adenoma, stromal tumours, lipomas, hemangiomas, and   patients who have Peutz-Jeghers syndrome. Clinically, speaking, benign small-bowel lesions are distinguished by the absence of distinguishing symptoms. Up to the proximal duodenum lesions can be diagnosed with enteroscopy. Push or double-balloon enteroscopy methods can be used to reach the GI tract beyond the ligament of Treitz. The sole method of treatment for those who have small bowel adenocarcinoma is surgery. The majority of research state that between 40 and 65 percent of patients lend themselves to curative resection. The utilisation of laparoscopic surgery (LS) for small intestine gastrointestinal stromal tumours (GISTs) has expanded with the introduction of LS. There is currently no evidence to suggest a statistically significant difference between LS and open surgery in terms of prognosis. This review aims to summarize evaluation and management of benign neoplasms of the small intestine.




How to Cite

Bark Awadh Abood H, Saad S Alshahrani B, Yasir Alyousif A, Ibrahim Alkhudairy A, Mubarak B Alghamdi A, Oraiban A. Gohal S, Abdualrhman AlMedaires M, Tariq Alshahrani H, Fayez Al-dawood S, Mohammed Hamad A habis, Khalid Saber R, Mohammed M. Alzayed S. The Surgical Management of Benign Neoplasms of the Small Intestine. SMHJ [Internet]. 2022 Nov. 24 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];2(3):113-7. Available from:



Review Article