Overview on Pediatric Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome


  • Ahmed Abdelsamie Fadl Pediatric senior registrar at Doctor Samir Abbas Hospital,Department of pediatrics, Alazhar University hospitals, Cairo.
  • Mashael Abdulaziz Shahatah ‏King fahad armed forces hospital, KSA.
  • Atheer Yahya S Asiri ‏King fahad Armed forces hospital, KSA.
  • Mohammed Yahya S Ogran King Khalid University, KSA.
  • Ali Taher T Alyami ‏Najran University, KSA.
  • Ahmad Mohammad Alasmari ‏Ministry of health, KSA.
  • Alaa Mohammed Albishri ‏king Fahad armed forces hospital, KSA.
  • Albatul Nasser Alnasser Sulaiman Alrajhi University, KSA.
  • Alaa Mubarak Jadkarim King Fahd Armed Forces Hospital, KSA.
  • Renad Abdulrahman Hadi Alrehaili Medical student, Fakeeh College For medical science, KSA. https://orcid.org/0009-0003-1989-2600
  • Shooq Abdulaziz J Aljazzar Medical student, Fakeeh College For medical science, KSA. https://orcid.org/0009-0005-8047-2642
  • Albatol Taha A Jifri King Fahd Armed Forces Hospital, KSA.




Obesity, hypercapnia, obesity hypoventilation syndrome, positive airway pressure, sleep-disordered breathing, hypoventilation


The relationship between obesity and the onset of persistent daytime alveolar hypoventilation is known as obesity hypoventilation syndrome. This illness results from a complicated interaction between sleep-disordered breathing, reduced respiratory drive, and obesity-related respiratory impairment, and is associated with considerable morbidity and mortality. Extreme obesity has become far more common in the United States and other nations during the past three decades. The prevalence of OHS will inevitably rise considering the global obesity pandemic. When compared to people with sleep apnea, patients with OHS have a poorer quality of life, incur higher medical costs, and are more likely to develop pulmonary hypertension and die young. Even though this illness is associated with severe morbidity and mortality, it is commonly overlooked, and treatment is typically postponed. Clinicians need to keep a high index of suspicion since this syndrome carries a heavy burden of morbidity and mortality, which is reduced by early diagnosis and treatment. The definition and clinical presentation of OHS, a brief overview of its prevalence, a review of current understanding of pathophysiology, and discussion of recent developments in therapeutics will all be included in this review.




How to Cite

Fadl AA, Mashael Abdulaziz Shahatah, Atheer Yahya S Asiri, Mohammed Yahya S Ogran, Ali Taher T Alyami, Ahmad Mohammad Alasmari, Alaa Mohammed Albishri, Albatul Nasser Alnasser, Alaa Mubarak Jadkarim, Renad Abdulrahman Hadi Alrehaili, Aljazzar SAJ, Albatol Taha A Jifri. Overview on Pediatric Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome. SMHJ [Internet]. 2023 Oct. 29 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];3(3):110-7. Available from: https://smh-j.com/smhj/article/view/78



Review Article